Congregational Life

The purpose of the Congregational Life Committee (CLC) is to develop a sense of community among the OPC community by planning, executing and/or provide support for church-wide events that in general are related to hospitality. The work of CLC is done in an inclusive, flexible manner allowing all church members and friends to give input, participate and contribute.
Examples of the activities in which the CLC is involved include: Fellowship Hour, Christmas Eve Dinner, College and 12th Grade Students Luncheon, Gingerbread House Decorating on Christmas Eve, Prayer Breakfasts, Retired Person’s Ministry and Vesper Simple Suppers.
For more information about CLC, to give input and/or feedback, to find out how to get involved in one of the activities listed above or suggest another activity, please contact Artia Benjamin.
Fellowship Hour

Every Sunday, worship is followed by a time of sharing food and conversation. Hosted each week by volunteers from the congregation, it provides a great chance to connect with each other. Overbrook serves fair-trade coffee from Equal Exchange.Click here for instructions on hosting Fellowship Hour or click here to sign up to host an upcoming Fellowship Hour.

Throughout the year, we offer a number of different opportunities for fun and fellowship. These include our annual picnic in June with music and activities for kids, a monthly women's book group, and periodic potluck dinners and movie nights.